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Map of locations for which OFFTAKE holds information about hunting, exploitation of terrestrial species.
Ingram DJ, Coad L, Abernethy KA, Maisels F, Stokes EJ, Bobo KS, Breuer T, Gandiwa E, Ghuirghi A, Greengrass E, Holmern T,
Kamgaing TOW, Ndong Obiang A-M, Poulsen JR, Schleicher J, Nielsen MR, Solly H, Vath CL, Waltert M, Whitham CEL, Wilkie DS and Scharlemann JPW. 2018. Assessing Africa-wide pangolin exploitation by scaling local data. Conservation Letters, 11(2), e12389.
Ingram DJ, Coad L, Collen B, Kümpel N, Breuer T, Fa JE, Gill DJC, Maisels F, Schleicher J, Stokes EJ, Taylor G, and Scharlemann
JPW. 2015. Indicators for wild animal offtake: methods and case study for African mammals and birds. Ecology and Society, 20(3), 40.
Taylor G. Scharlemann JPW, Rowcliffe M, Kümpel N, Harfoot MBJ, Fa JE, Melisch R, Milner-Gulland EJ, Bhagwat S, Abernethy KA,
Ajonina AS, Albrechtsen L, Allebone-Webb S, Brown E, Brugiere D, Clark C, Colell M, Cowlishaw G, Crookes D, De Merode E, Dupain J, East T, Edderai D, Elkan P, Gill D, Greengrass E, Hodgkinson C, Ilambu O, Jeanmart P, Juste J, Linder JM, Macdonald DW, Noss AJ, Okorie PU, Okouyi VJJ, Pailler S, Poulsen JR, Riddell M, Schleicher J, Schulte-Herbrüggen B, Starkey M, van Vliet N, Whitham C, Willcox AS, Wilkie DS, Wright JH and Coad LM. 2015. Synthesising bushmeat research effort in West and Central Africa: a new regional database. Biological Conservation, 181, 199-205.
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